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Qobi Solutions

Your global partner in crafting digital experiences that propels your business to new heights.


Our Services

Web Development

Own a modern website today, whether you run a small, medium or large scale business

Quality Assurance

Test for bugs that could affect the user experience

UI / UX Design

A modern sleek design, aesthetically pleasing and can also influence customer conversion for your business

SEO & Marketing

A modern sleek design, aesthetically pleasing and can also influence customer conversion for your business

Security Auditing

Be aware of security issues or bad practices within your organizations that could pose as a threat to your business

For IT Consultancy Service

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At Qobi Solutions, we believe in the power of cooperation. We see ourselves as your extended team, deeply invested in your success. We collaborate closely with you, understanding your unique challenges, goals, and brand identity.

Franklyn Edekobi


Recent Projects


Fundmylaptop v2

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Let's join forces to create remarkable solutions

If you are seeking a dedicated team to work with, We are excited to connect with you